OnePiece Fanon Wiki

The Kumo Kumo No Mi,Model:Goliath Tarantula is a zoan fruit that allows the user to become a Goliath tarantula it was eat in by secret squadron 1s swordsman "Eight Arm" Jackery.


The fruit looks like a black and orange cactus


The user can become a giant tarantula letting the user grow up to 8 limbs and due to being a tarantula the user can fling needle like hairs at their enemy


The user mostly uses this to stab the opponents with needle hairs and his 7 swordstyle

Hybrid:The user sprouts six arms from their back these arms are hairy and the user also gets harrier

7 slices of the beast:The user slashes super quicky passing the opponents. If not dodged then their will be 7 slash marks

Hair hurricane:The user slashes while letting loose their hairs creating a tornado of needles.

Rain of suffering:The user infuses the his hairs with buso making then fall down and stab the opponent the user will then finishes off the opponent by slashing past them like brook when he walks past enemies.


Mostly only suffers from normal devil fruit weaknesses
