OnePiece Fanon Wiki

This article, Theophilus Amadeus Wolfgang, is an article only to be used by Imnotfallen.

This article, Theophilus Amadeus Wolfgang, is non-canon and does not affect the storyline in anyway.

“I had spent years building my reputation, working day and night to climb to the top of my profession. I was finally there, at the pinnacle of success, and I felt like nothing could stop me. But then that damned monkey appeared out of nowhere and ruined everything. It was supposed to be a routine presentation, a chance for me to showcase my expertise and impress my colleagues. But as soon as I started speaking, that monkey began making a racket, jumping around and screeching like it was possessed. My audience was distracted, and my carefully crafted message was lost in the chaos. I was humiliated. All the hard work I had put in, all the sacrifices I had made, it was all for nothing. That monkey had taken everything away from me in a matter of seconds. And to make matters worse, everyone was laughing. They thought it was hilarious, that I had been upstaged by a stupid animal. I tried to regain my composure and continue with my presentation, but it was too late. The damage had been done, and I knew that my reputation was irreparably tarnished. From that moment on, I was known as the guy who got upstaged by a monkey. That damn monkey ruined everything. It was like a curse, following me wherever I went, reminding me of my failure and my humiliation. I couldn't escape it. And even now, years later, I still can't shake the feeling that I was robbed of my rightful place at the top by a stupid, insignificant creature.”
— Wolfgang talking to Brooklyn James in A Lone Wolf Gone Mad

"Theophilus Amadeus Wolfgang" (セオフィラス - アマドゥエス - ウォルフガング Theophilus Amadeus Wolfgang?), also known as the "Bloody Fox" (朱狐 Ake Kitsune?)[1], is a Vice-Admiral[1] within the Marines and the leader of Wolf-Gang Death Squad; a special unit of Marines specifically created to hunt down the remnants of the Wukong Pirates.

Following Donk E. Kong's rampage in 1467, Wolfgang left Zou in order to find and stop the young mink from causing even more harm. However, doing his travels, he ended up being trapped within the Florian Triangle[4].

In the late stages of the Sky Wars Saga, the Cipher Pol-agent Brooklyn James was tasked with locating a specific Devil Fruit that was rumored to be within the Florian Triangle. However, James was stopped in his mission when he encounted Wolfgang using his awakening stages of his Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Ankylosaurus; a fruit that he had consumed shortly after entering the mysteries sea.

James took advantage of this situation, ensuring in a mighty clash, that would lead to the defeat of Wolfgang and his eventual capture by James. Following this, Wolfgang was brought to Marineford where James morphed and crafted Wolfgang into a valuable asset by the use of his Kona Kona no Mi.

Shortly after entering the Florian Triangle, Wolfgang ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Ankylosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a hybrid or full form of an ankylosaurus, making him an "Ankylosaurus Human" (アンキロサウルス人間 Ankirosaurusu Ningen?).


Wolfgang's appearance has changed since his youth. His once dark grey fur has turned a deep shade of red, almost like the color of freshly spilled blood. His eyes still gleam like yellow topaz, but they are now surrounded by thick black markings that make them appear even more intense.

Despite his age, Wolfgang still looks remarkably young. His fur is sleek and shiny, and his features are sharp and angular, giving him an almost fox-like appearance. He moves with a fluid grace, like a predator stalking its prey, and his movements are always controlled and precise.

There is still a sense of danger around Wolfgang, but it is more controlled now. He seems to have mastered his bloodlust, and he is able to keep his feral instincts in check. His confidence and authority have skyrocketed since his time with the Marines, and he now carries himself with the bearing of a true warrior.

People still get a sense of being terrified when they are around him, but it is tempered by a newfound respect. They know that Wolfgang is a force to be reckoned with, but they also know that he is on their side, fighting for justice and the greater good.

Image Gallery[]

As a young lad, Wolfgang was an imposing figure, with a body that was more animal than human. His features were distinctly lupine, with a snarling muzzle and sharp teeth that gleamed in the light. His eyes were a piercing yellow, and they seemed to glow in the dark like a predator's.

Wolfgang's fur was a dark shade of grey, with black streaks running through it like lightning bolts. His muscles bulged beneath his fur, giving him an almost feral look. He was taller and more muscular than most boys his age, with a lean, sinewy build that spoke of raw power.

Despite his youth, Wolfgang's reputation preceded him. Everyone in the village knew of the "Maniac" (躁鬱マニアック Maniakku?, lit. lunatic) and many were terrified of him.

There was an air of danger around Wolfgang, a sense that he was not to be trifled with. Even when he was still a boy, he carried himself with an air of confidence and authority that belied his age. It was clear that he was destined for greatness, but whether that greatness would be for good or ill, no one could say.

Image Gallery[]


“Wolfgang addressed the members of the Wolf-Gang Death Squad with a cold, hard edge to his voice. "Our mission is simple," he said, his eyes scanning the room with a calculating gaze. "We're going to kill anything and everything that has anything to do with that damn monkey."He paused, his gaze lingering on each member of the squad in turn. They were all hardened killers, with no qualms about doing whatever it took to get the job done. Wolfgang knew that they were the best of the best, and that they would stop at nothing to accomplish their mission. "This isn't going to be easy," he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "We're up against some tough opponents, and we'll be facing danger at every turn. But that's what we signed up for, right? To kill and destroy without mercy, in the name of justice." The members of the squad nodded in agreement, their expressions cold and unfeeling. Wolfgang knew that they had no empathy, no compassion, and no regard for human life. They were his loyal soldiers, and they would do whatever he commanded, without question. "So let's get to it," he said, his tone final. "We have a lot of killing to do, and not much time to do it in."”
— Wolfgang stating his mission to the Wolf-Gang Death Squad in *roleplay*

Wolfgang's personality can be described as ruthless, cunning, and bloodthirsty. He is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, regardless of the cost or consequences. He has a strong sense of loyalty to those he considers his allies, but he is also quick to betray anyone who gets in his way.

Wolfgang is highly intelligent and strategic, often using his wit and cunning to outsmart his enemies. He is also physically powerful and skilled in combat, making him a formidable opponent. He has a fierce determination and a deep-seated desire for power and control.

Despite his violent and ruthless nature, Wolfgang is not entirely without emotion. He is driven by a deep-seated rage and desire for vengeance, likely stemming from some traumatic event in his past. He also has a deep-seated sense of loyalty to those he considers his allies, and will go to great lengths to protect them.

Wolfgang also has a deep-seated sense of pride, and can be easily provoked if his authority or reputation is challenged. He is not above taking revenge on those who cross him, even if it means resorting to underhanded tactics or betraying his own allies.

Another notable aspect of Wolfgang's personality is his unwavering determination. Once he sets his sights on a goal, he will stop at nothing to achieve it, no matter how difficult or seemingly impossible. This relentless drive and ambition is a defining characteristic of his personality.


  • Marines; Wolfgang's relationship with the Marines is complex and multifaceted. On one hand, he is a highly respected and feared member of the organization, having risen quickly through the ranks due to his impressive combat skills and willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. He has led numerous successful missions and is admired by many of his fellow Marines for his strength and tenacity. However, Wolfgang's unorthodox methods and willingness to use violence and intimidation to achieve his goals have made him something of a controversial figure within the organization. Some of his fellow Marines view him as a loose cannon who is dangerous to have on the team, while others admire his ability to get results no matter what the cost. Despite these differences of opinion, Wolfgang is generally well-regarded by his fellow Marines, who appreciate his dedication to the job and his unwavering commitment to justice. He has developed close relationships with some of his colleagues, particularly those who share his more aggressive approach to law enforcement, and is respected by many others who may not necessarily agree with his methods but recognize the value that he brings to the organization.
    • Wolf-Gang Death Squad; Wolfgang has a complicated relationship with his subordinates in the Wolf-Gang Death Squad. On the one hand, he views them as valuable assets who are essential to the success of his mission. He relies on their loyalty, obedience, and combat skills to achieve his goals, and he is quick to punish anyone who disobeys him or fails to carry out his orders. However, Wolfgang's relationship with the members of the Wolf-Gang Death Squad is also marked by a certain amount of distance and detachment. He sees them primarily as tools to be used in his quest for power, rather than as individuals with their own hopes, dreams, and desires. As a result, he is not particularly concerned with their well-being or emotional needs, and is willing to sacrifice them if it means achieving his goals. Despite this somewhat cold and calculating approach, there is also a certain degree of loyalty and camaraderie within the Wolf-Gang Death Squad. Wolfgang has handpicked each member of the squad for their skills and their willingness to follow his lead, and he values their contributions to the team. He is also quick to defend them against outside threats, and is fiercely protective of his subordinates when they are under attack.
    • Kaguya Mitsuki; Although Mitsuki and Wolfgang have never met, Mitsuki is aware of Wolfgang's reputation as a powerful and dangerous figure in the world of the Marines. As someone who values justice above all else, Mitsuki views Wolfgang with suspicion and concern, knowing that his willingness to do anything to achieve his goals could easily put innocent lives at risk. Despite this, Mitsuki also recognizes that Wolfgang's strength and abilities could be useful in certain situations, and he grudgingly admits that Wolfgang has a certain charisma and magnetism that draws others to him. He also understands that, as a Vice Admiral, Wolfgang holds a position of authority within the Marines that cannot be ignored or dismissed.
    • Ken Buki; Ken Buki and Wolfgang have a complicated relationship, with Ken initially seeing Wolfgang as a potential threat to the justice and order that he has spent his life defending. However, as he got to know Wolfgang better, Ken began to recognize the Marine's potential and the unique sense of justice that he brought to the table. Despite their differences, Ken and Wolfgang share a mutual respect for one another, with Ken recognizing Wolfgang's strength and tenacity, and Wolfgang recognizing Ken's wisdom and experience. Ken has even gone so far as to invite Wolfgang to join him on certain missions, recognizing that his abilities and unconventional approach to justice could be useful in certain situations. However, there is still some tension between the two, as Ken worries that Wolfgang's violent tendencies could lead him down a dangerous path. Wolfgang, on the other hand, sometimes chafes under Ken's authority, feeling that his unique perspective on justice is not always fully understood or appreciated.
  • Pirates; As a loyal Marine, Wolfgang sees pirates as his sworn enemies and his mission is to hunt them down and bring them to justice. He has a deep-seated hatred for pirates and sees them as nothing more than scum who disrupt the peace and safety of innocent people. Wolfgang is a ruthless hunter who relentlessly pursues and attacks pirate crews, often leading the charge himself. He takes pleasure in defeating and capturing pirates, seeing it as a way to prove his strength and loyalty to the Marine Corps. Despite his animosity towards pirates, Wolfgang has gained a reputation among them as a fierce and dangerous opponent. Some pirates even fear him more than they fear other Marines due to his willingness to do whatever it takes to complete his mission.
    • Wukong Pirates; Wolfgang has a deep-seated hatred for the Wukong Pirates, particularly their captain, whom he refers to as "that damn monkey". This animosity stems from a traumatic event in his past where Donk E. Kong went on an uncontrolled rampage. From that point on, Wolfgang made it his life's mission to destroy everything related to Kong, seeking revenge for the pain they caused him. Despite his intense hatred for the Wukong Pirates, Wolfgang respects their captain's strength and abilities. He recognizes that the captain is a formidable opponent and a worthy adversary, which only fuels his desire to defeat him even more. Wolfgang is willing to go to great lengths to achieve this goal, even if it means breaking the rules or putting himself in danger. Wolfgang's relentless pursuit of the Wukong Pirates has made him a feared enemy of the remnants of the crew, with his reputation preceding him wherever he goes. However, this reputation also makes him a valuable asset to the Marines, who see him as a powerful weapon to use against their enemies.
      • Donk E. Kong; Wolfgang was known to harbor an intense hatred for Donk E. Kong, the captain of the Wukong Pirates. Wolfgang's disdain for the pirate was fueled by his perceived role in the destruction of his home and family. Despite this, Donk E. Kong had no knowledge of Wolfgang and his feelings towards him. However, fate would have it that Donk E. Kong was ultimately killed, though not at the hands of Wolfgang. Wolfgang may have never had the chance to confront his lifelong enemy, but the loss of Donk E. Kong did little to quell his thirst for revenge against everything he stood for.
  • Other; As a loyal member of the Marines, Wolfgang has a generally negative view of other organizations, particularly those that he perceives as a threat to the World Government's control. He views most pirate crews as despicable criminals who must be eliminated in order to maintain order and protect innocent lives. Similarly, he sees many revolutionary organizations as dangerous radicals who seek to disrupt the established order and cause chaos. Despite his general distrust of other organizations, there are some groups that Wolfgang may be more amenable to working with or even supporting. For example, he may respect and work alongside organizations that share his views on justice and the protection of innocent lives, even if they do not align completely with the goals of the Marines. He may also be more open to working with organizations that are officially sanctioned by the World Government or have proven themselves to be reliable allies in the past. Ultimately, Wolfgang's relationships with other organizations are largely defined by his loyalty to the Marines and his dedication to their mission of maintaining order and protecting innocent lives. Any organization that threatens that mission will likely be viewed with suspicion and hostility by Wolfgang, while those that support or assist the Marines in achieving their goals may be viewed more favorably.
    • Brooklyn James; Brooklyn James is the one who broke down and rebuilt Wolfgang, and their relationship is complicated. Wolfgang initially saw Brooklyn as an enemy, someone who had stripped him of his freedom and autonomy. However, over time, he began to see that Brooklyn had given him a new purpose in life and helped him harness his power in a more controlled way. Wolfgang respects Brooklyn's tactical prowess and the way he is able to manipulate people and situations to his advantage. He also recognizes the debt he owes Brooklyn for giving him a new life and purpose. At the same time, Wolfgang is also somewhat afraid of Brooklyn, knowing that he could easily be broken down and rebuilt again if it served Brooklyn's interests. Despite this, there is a certain level of camaraderie between them, as they have gone through a lot together. They share a sense of twisted humor and a desire for power, and they have a mutual understanding of what it takes to survive in their line of work. They also share a common enemy in the monkey who ruined Wolfgang's life, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate that threat. However, Wolfgang is also aware that Brooklyn's loyalty lies with the Marines, and that he could turn on him at any moment if it served the greater good. This keeps their relationship on a somewhat precarious footing, with Wolfgang never quite sure where he stands with Brooklyn. Despite this, he remains loyal to him and is willing to follow his orders, as he knows that Brooklyn is the only one who truly understands what he is capable of.
    • United Federation; As a loyal Marine, Wolfgang's relationship with the United Federation can be described as hostile. The United Federation, led by Sora, "Warrior of the Sea" Daisuke, is a revolutionary militia attempting to overthrow the World Nobles and is considered a major threat to the World Government. Wolfgang views the United Federation as a criminal organization that threatens the peace and stability of the world. He sees their methods as violent and destructive, and would be committed to stopping their efforts to overthrow the World Nobles and disrupt the balance of power in the world. He is willing to use any means necessary to eliminate this threat to the World Government and the Marine's authority.
    • Scarecrow; Wolfgang holds a clear disdain for Scarecrow, viewing them as nothing more than a group of opportunistic mercenaries who will work for anyone with enough coin. He sees their initiative to issue bounties on Marines as a direct threat to his own organization and to the stability of the world order. To him, Scarecrow represents everything that is wrong with the bounty hunting profession - a lack of moral fiber and a willingness to do whatever it takes for personal gain. Wolfgang would never stoop so low as to work with them, and he makes his feelings on the matter quite clear to anyone who asks. Wolfgang's disdain towards Scarecrow is not just based on his personal experiences with the organization, but also due to his loyalty towards the Marines. He sees Scarecrow as a threat not only to the Marines' authority, but also to the safety of innocent civilians. Wolfgang knows firsthand how ruthless Scarecrow can be in pursuing their bounties, often causing collateral damage in their wake. He believes that their tactics go against the principles of justice and order that the Marines stand for.

Abilities and Powers[]


Wolfgang, being a Mink, possesses formidable physical abilities that far surpass those of normal humans. He is highly agile, incredibly burly and strong, and has lightning-quick reflexes, enabling him to dodge attacks and strike back with lightning speed. Wolfgang's strength allows him to lift and throw heavy objects with ease, and he can take on multiple opponents at once without breaking a sweat. His raw strength also allows him to perform incredible feats of acrobatics and agility. Wolfgang is incredibly fast, with the ability to move at blinding speeds that can leave his opponents struggling to keep up with him. His agility is equally impressive, allowing him to move quickly and gracefully around the battlefield. Wolfgang has honed his physical abilities through years of training and battle experience, and is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant. He has remarkable durability and endurance, even for a Mink, and can endure massive amounts of physical damage and still continue fighting. As a wolf mink, Wolfgang possesses highly developed senses, allowing him to perceive the world in a way that surpasses that of normal humans. His sense of smell, hearing, and vision are highly developed, allowing him to detect and identify scents from great distances, detect even the faintest sounds, and see clearly in low-light conditions. Wolfgang's heightened senses allow him to gather information about his environment and potential threats quickly and efficiently. He also possesses the ability to produce electric shocks from his body known as Electro, which can enhance the effectiveness of his attacks, cause electrical burns, and paralysis to his opponents. Wolfgang has access to the powerful Sulong form, which vastly increases his strength and speed, unleashes his primal animal instincts, and greatly enhances the strength of his Electro.

Additionally, Wolfgang ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Ankylosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a hybrid or full form of an ankylosaurus, making him an "Ankylosaurus Human." In his hybrid and full form, Wolfgang's physical abilities are greatly enhanced, giving him incredible strength and defense.

Spiritual Aura[]

Physical Abilities[]

As a mink, Wolfgang possesses formidable physical abilities that far surpass those of normal humans. He is highly agile, and can leap incredible distances with ease. Wolfgang is incredibly burly and strong, with his powerful muscles allowing him to lift and throw heavy objects with ease. He is also incredibly fast and has lightning-quick reflexes, enabling him to dodge attacks and strike back with lightning speed.

Additionally, as a mink, Wolfgang has access to a range of unique abilities that further enhance his physical prowess. He possesses the natural ability to produce electric shocks from his body, known as Electro. Wolfgang can use this ability to enhance the effectiveness of his attacks, allowing him to cause electrical burns and paralysis to his opponents.

Furthermore, Wolfgang has access to the powerful Sulong form, which is an enhanced form that minks take upon looking directly at the full moon. During this transformation, Wolfgang's hair grows exponentially, and his body becomes significantly larger. He also emits an electric charge during the transformation. This form vastly increases his strength and speed, unleashes his primal animal instincts, and greatly enhances the strength of his Electro. A casual Electro attack that would normally only inhibit an opponent with paralysis can become powerful enough to knock out several opponents after Wolfgang transforms into his Sulong form.


As a member of the Mink Tribe, he possesses formidable physical abilities that far surpass those of normal humans. He is incredibly strong, able to lift and carry heavy objects with ease. In combat, his punches and kicks pack a powerful punch, often sending his opponents flying through the air or crashing into walls. Wolfgang's strength also allows him to perform incredible feats of acrobatics and agility, making him a formidable opponent in any battle.

Even amongst other minks, Wolfgang stands out as a particularly strong and skilled fighter. His raw strength is such that he can take on multiple opponents at once without breaking a sweat. He is also able to perform incredible stunts such as jumping great distances or scaling tall buildings with ease.

Speed and Agility[]

Wolfgang possesses formidable physical abilities that are far superior to those of normal humans. Specifically, he has impressive speed and agility, making him a fearsome opponent in battle.

Wolfgang is incredibly fast, with the ability to move at blinding speeds that can leave his opponents struggling to keep up with him. He is known for his incredible reflexes, which allow him to react quickly to any situation and dodge attacks with ease. His agility is equally impressive, allowing him to move quickly and gracefully around the battlefield.

Due to his Mink heritage, Wolfgang is also capable of leaping incredible distances, giving him the ability to traverse large gaps or escape from danger quickly. His movements are incredibly fluid, almost like that of a wild animal, and he is able to quickly change direction or evade attacks with ease.

In addition to his natural speed and agility, Wolfgang has also honed his physical abilities through years of training and battle experience. He is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant and is able to incorporate his impressive speed and agility into his fighting style.

Durability and Endurance[]

Wolfgang's durability and endurance are incredibly impressive, even for a Mink. He is able to endure massive amounts of physical damage and still continue fighting. This can be seen in his battles, where he has sustained injuries such as broken bones, deep cuts, and bruises, yet he still stands his ground and fights on.

His endurance is also remarkable. He can fight for extended periods of time without rest, and can push his body to the limit without showing signs of fatigue. This allows him to go head-to-head with some of the strongest opponents in battle, and still come out on top.

Heightened Senses[]

As a wolf mink, Wolfgang possesses highly developed senses, allowing him to perceive the world in a way that surpasses that of normal humans. His sense of smell, in particular, is extremely acute, enabling him to detect and identify scents from great distances. Wolfgang's sense of hearing is also highly developed, allowing him to detect even the faintest sounds and pinpoint their origin.

In addition to his sense of smell and hearing, Wolfgang also has exceptional eyesight. As a wolf mink, he is able to see clearly in low-light conditions, giving him an advantage over opponents who rely on their eyesight. His eyes also possess a reflective layer that enhances his vision at night, allowing him to see in near-total darkness.

Wolfgang's heightened senses allow him to gather information about his environment and potential threats quickly and efficiently. This gives him an edge in combat situations, as he is able to detect and react to his opponents' movements before they are able to react to his.


Kenbunshoku Haki[]

Main article: Haki/Kenbunshoku Haki

Busoshoku Haki[]

Main article: Haki/Busoshoku Haki

Haoshoku Haki[]

Main article: Haki/Haoshoku Haki


As a member of the Mink Tribe, Wolfgang has the unique ability to use Electro, a powerful technique that channels electricity through his body. With his proficiency in using this ancient technique, Wolfgang is able to increase his own physical power and imbue his weapons, teeth, and claws with electro, making him a formidable opponent in battle.

His skills in Electro are advanced, with many techniques created by Wolfgang himself. He is able to send claw-like lightning attacks towards his opponent by imbuing his claws with lightning and clawing towards his opponent, or by biting towards his opponent and sending the electro out of his mouth in the shape of teeth.

But his most unique technique is to empower his body with Electro, making him faster and giving him a massive boost in physical strength. Unlike most minks who use Electro only in a defensive way, Wolfgang is able to use it in a non-offensive way as well, making him one of the best Electro users of his time.

Wolfgang's Electro techniques are highly sought after, with many minks trying to learn his Rose Gallery of Electro techniques. However, only a few have been successful, as his techniques are highly advanced and require exceptional skill and talent to master.

Interestingly, most of his Electro techniques are named after a mythical figure called Bane, an ancient figure from ancient times.


As a mink, Wolfgang has the ability to use Sulong, an enhanced form that a mink takes upon looking directly at the full moon. This form vastly increases his strength and speed, unleashes his primal animal instincts, and greatly enhances the strength of his Electro. In order to transform, Wolfgang needs to look at the full moon for a period of time until the transformation is complete. During transformation, his hair grows exponentially and turns white, and his body becomes significantly larger. He also emits an electric charge during the transformation.

Once transformed, Wolfgang becomes an incredibly formidable opponent, able to take on multiple enemies with ease. His strength, speed, and agility all increase dramatically, allowing him to move with incredible speed and power. Additionally, his Electro becomes even more powerful, capable of easily knocking out multiple opponents with a single attack. The transformation also unleashes his primal animal instincts, making him even more dangerous in battle.

However, the transformation is not without its drawbacks. While transformed, Wolfgang is more susceptible to becoming overwhelmed by his instincts and losing control, potentially attacking allies or innocent bystanders. Additionally, the transformation drains his stamina and energy, leaving him exhausted and vulnerable once it wears off.

Despite these drawbacks, Wolfgang has mastered the use of Sulong, making him one of the most powerful minks in existence. His proficiency in using Sulong has earned him the respect of his fellow minks, who see him as a powerful and skilled warrior. However, some minks fear his power and personality, and he is often a controversial figure among his own people.

Devil Fruit[]

Wolfgang ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Ankylosaurus, an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit that allows him to transform into a hybrid or full form of an ankylosaurus, making him an "Ankylosaurus Human" (アンキロサウルス人間 Ankirosaurusu Ningen?).

In his hybrid form, Wolfgang's physical abilities are greatly enhanced, giving him incredible strength and defense. His limbs become larger and more muscular, and his skin takes on a dark, scaly texture, allowing him to withstand heavy blows and attacks without sustaining significant damage. He also gains a powerful tail, which he can use as a weapon to strike and knock back his enemies.

In his full form, Wolfgang's size and strength are further amplified, making him a true force to be reckoned with. He becomes a towering behemoth, with armored plates covering his entire body, spikes jutting out from his tail and back, and a massive club at the end of his tail that he can use to crush his enemies. In this form, he is nearly invulnerable to attacks, and can easily overpower even the strongest opponents with his brute strength and destructive power.


After 65 years of endless wandering, Wolfgang awakened his Devil Fruit, with his physical abilities and combat prowess being greatly enhanced. Additionally, his recovery rate increased dramatically, even functioning while he was unconscious, allowing him to heal from injuries at an incredibly fast rate.

Unlike many other Zoan users, Wolfgang was able to retain his personality upon awakening his fruit. Instead of degenerating into a mindless beast, he gained access to a powerful new "Awakened Form" (覚醒フォルム Kakusei Forumu?). This form is characterized by flaming hair and a sash of flaming smoke appearing around him, adding to his already intimidating presence.

In his Awakened Form, Wolfgang's physical abilities were further enhanced, allowing him to deliver devastating attacks to his enemies. He becamos even more dangerous, and his already impressive combat skills are taken to a whole new level.

Other Skills[]


Major Battles[]


  • Wolfgang's appearance is based on Sajin Komamura and Father Wolf from the manga/anime series, Bleach and Blood Lad.
  • Wolfgang's name is based on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; an influential composer of the Classical period.
    • Both "Theophilus" and "Amadeus" have similar meanings of "lover of God" or "beloved by God" in different languages. "Theophilus" is a Greek name, while "Amadeus" is a Latin name.
      • "Theophilus" is a Greek name meaning "lover of God" or "beloved of God".
      • "Amadeus" is a Latin name meaning "lover of God" or "loved by God".
    • "Wolfgang" is a Germanic name meaning "wolf path" or "traveling wolf". This name speaks to Wolfgang's fierce, independent nature and his desire to chart his own course in life, much like a lone wolf roaming the wilderness.

Major Achievements[]

  • Ate an Ancient Zoan-type Devil Fruit
    • Has managed to awaken his Devil Fruit
  • Was immediately promoted to Vice Admiral to due his strength alone
  • Was granted the permission to create his own Marine division, despite his age and lack of experience
  • Has been praised by several Marine officers for his commitment to his course
    • List of appraisals;
    • Kaguya Mitsuki: Upon hearing of the news of Wolfgang's promotion to the Marines, Mitsuki couldn't help but be intrigued by the situation. "It's quite remarkable," he commented, pondering the circumstances of Wolfgang's ascent to Vice Admiral at such an old age. "How did he manage to create his own Marine division despite his lack of experience?" Mitsuki theorized that it must have been Wolfgang's exceptional strength and importance that propelled him to such heights. "It's not every day that someone achieves that level of success at such an old age," he mused. "Wolfgang must have some extraordinary qualities that set him apart from the rest."
    • Ken Buki: Upon hearing of Wolfgang's promotion to Vice Admiral in the Marines, Ken Buki couldn't help but express a mix of admiration and unease. "It's true that Wolfgang has achieved a great deal despite his lack of experience," he remarked, "but let's not forget that he's also gained the title of Bloody Fox for a reason." Ken Buki knew that Wolfgang was a man willing to do anything it takes to achieve his goals, no matter how brutal or ruthless. "I've heard stories of his bloodlust and willingness to go to any lengths to get what he wants," he said. "It's not the kind of behavior we normally associate with a Marine, but I suppose that's what makes Wolfgang so unique." As a man who believes in a unique and rare type of justice, specifically that of Manly Justice, Ken Buki was wary of Wolfgang's methods. "There's a fine line between being a soldier and being a monster," he mused. "I just hope that Wolfgang doesn't cross that line in his pursuit of justice." Despite his reservations, Ken Buki recognized that Wolfgang's willingness to do anything it takes and his pure bloodlust might actually be an asset in certain situations. "There are times when we need someone who's willing to get their hands dirty, who's not afraid to do what needs to be done," he acknowledged. "And in those moments, I suppose Wolfgang's reputation as the Bloody Fox could work to our advantage." In the end, Ken Buki remained cautiously optimistic about Wolfgang's future in the Marines. "I won't deny that he's a force to be reckoned with," he concluded. "But we'll have to keep a close eye on him, make sure he doesn't stray too far from the path of justice."
    • Brooklyn James: As Brooklyn James reflected on his work with Wolfgang, he couldn't help feeling a mix of shock and apprehension. "I never would have thought that he would turn out so well," he muttered to himself. "He's a valuable asset for the Marines now, but I can't help wondering what he's capable of." James knew that he had broken Wolfgang down mentally, rebuilding him into a puppet for the Marines. But even he was surprised at how easily Wolfgang had adapted to his new role. "I thought it would take longer to break him," he admitted. "But he was like clay in my hands, so malleable." And yet, there was a part of James that was frightened by Wolfgang's transformation. He knew that he had created a monster, one that could easily turn against him and the Marines if he ever felt betrayed. "I have to be careful with him," he warned himself. "One wrong move, and he could be the end of me." Despite his reservations, James couldn't help feeling a sense of pride in his "creation." "I did what needed to be done," he said firmly. "And in the end, it paid off. Wolfgang is a valuable weapon for the Marines, and I made sure he's under our control." As he pondered Wolfgang's future, James knew that he would have to keep a close eye on him. "He's not the kind of person you can trust completely," he acknowledged. "But as long as I stay one step ahead of him, I think we'll be alright."
  • Has fought and taken in several pirates doing his short time as a Marine
    • List of Pirates;


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 A Lone Wolf Gone Mad—Wolfgang is given the name of Bloody Fox by ??? after being promoted into the mariens and given the rank of Vice-Admiral. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "status/occupation-1" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "status/occupation-1" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "status/occupation-1" defined multiple times with different content
  2. 2.0 2.1 A Lone Wolf Gone Mad—Wolfgang was shown to be the former leader of Wolf-Gang, a group of rebellious minks that later turned into the Primordials after Wolfgangs disappearance.
  3. A Lone Wolf Gone Mad—Wolfgang is relocated to Marineford by Brooklyn James to be "reformed" into the Bloody Fox.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 A Lone Wolf Gone Mad—Wolfgang is revealed to still be alive after 65 years being stuck within the Florian Triangle.
  5. A Lone Wolf Gone Mad—Wolfgang is broken down and reformed by the CP9 agent, Brooklyn James.